Unexpected air quality impacts from the implementation of green infrastructure, presented by Yuqiang Zhang at Duke University Program in Ecology, March, 2021, Virtual. (Invited)
Global and Regional ozone changes from 1980, presented by Yuqiang Zhang at Symposium on Atmospheric Environment Monitoring and Simulation, June, 2020, Online. (Invited)
Using Global and Regional Models to Assess Air Quality and Health under Changing Climate, presented by Yuqiang Zhang at Emory University, November, 2019, Atlanta, USA. (Invited)
Recent China Clean Air Actions on Global Air Quality and Climate Chnage, presented by Yuqiang Zhang at 2019 workshop on co-benefits of sustainable energy transition in China, June, 2019, Beijing, China. (Invited)
Recent China Clean Air Actions on Global Air Quality and Climate Change, presented by Yuqiang Zhang at Seminar at the Department of Economics and Management at Beihang University, May, 2019, Beijing, China. (Invited)
Recent China Clean Air Actions on Global Air Quality and Climate Change, presented by Yuqiang Zhang at the 7th ABaCAS 2019, May, 2019, Hangzhou, China. (Invited)
Co-benefits of Global and Regional GHGs Mitigation on Global and Regional Air Quality and Human Health, presented by Yuqiang Zhang at the 2nd International Forum on Climate Change and Health Response, December, 2018, Guangzhou, China. (Invited)
Significantly reduced health burden from ambient air pollution in the United States under emission reductions from 1990 to 2016, presented by Yuqiang Zhang at the 2018 joint international conference on ABaCAS and CMAS-Asia-Pacific, May, 2018, Beijing, China. (Invited)
Significantly Reduced Health Burden from Ambient Air Pollution in the United States under Emission Reductions from 1990 to 2016, presented by Yuqiang Zhang at the 2017 AGU Union session, December, 2017, New Orleans, USA. (Invited)
Significantly Reduced Health Burden from Ambient Air Pollution in the United States under Emission Reductions from 1990 to 2010, presented by Yuqiang Zhang at Tsinghua University, November, 2017, Beijing, China. (Invited)
Equatorward Redistribution of Emissions Dominates the Tropospheric Ozone Change, 1980-2010, presented by Yuqiang Zhang at Ocean University of China, November, 2017, Qingtao, China. (Invited)
Equatorward Redistribution of Emissions Dominates the Tropospheric Ozone Change, 1980-2010, presented by Yuqiang Zhang at Shandong University, November, 2017, Jinan, China. (Invited)
Equatorward Redistribution of Emissions Dominates the Tropospheric Ozone Change, 1980-2010, presented by Yuqiang Zhang at Jinan University, November, 2017, Guangzhou, China. (Invited)
Significantly Reduced Health Burden from Ambient Air Pollution in the U.S. Under Emission Reductions from 1990 to 2010, presented by Yuqiang Zhang at the US EPA Air Climate and Energy connection program “Moment of Science”, October, 2017, . (Invited)
Significantly reduced health burdens from ambient air pollution in the US under emission reductions from 1990 to 2010, presented by Yuqiang Zhang at UNC-CH Group on Atmospheric Science & Pollution, Mar, 2017, North Carolina, USA. (Invited)
Co-benefits of Global Greenhouse Gas Mitigation for US Air Quality and Human Health through Dynamical Downscaling: the application in China, presented by Yuqiang Zhang at China Project, Harvard Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, February, 2016, Boston, China. (Invited)
Application of Chemical Transport Models to Study Global and RegionalAir Quality and Human Health, presented by Yuqiang Zhang at Tsinghua University, January, 2016, Beijing, China. (Invited)
Benefits of Recent Clean Air Actions in China on Global Air Quality and Climate Change, presented by Yuqiang Zhang at the 2019 AGU Fall Meeting, December, 2019, San Francisco, USA.
Unexpected air quality feedback chains from implementation of green infrastructure in urban environments: a Kansas City case study, presented by Yuqiang Zhang at the 2018 AGU Fall Meeting, December, 2018, Washington, D.C., USA.
Labor loss from extreme temperatures in US from historical and future climate changes, presented by Yuqiang Zhang at the 2018 AGU Fall Meeting, December, 2018, Washington, D.C., USA.
Unexpected air quality feedback chains from implementation of green infrastructure in urban environments: a Kansas City case study, presented by Yuqiang Zhang at the 14th iCACGP & 15th IGAC conference, September, 2018, Kagawa, Japan.
Global Significant Changes in Formaldehyde (HCHO) Columns Observed from Space at the Early Stage of the COVID-19 Pandemic, presented by Wenfu Sun at AGU Fall Meeting 2020, December, 2020, Online.
Global Significant Changes in Formaldehyde (HCHO) Columns Observed from Space at the Early Stage of the COVID-19 Pandemic, presented by Wenfu Sun at 6RAQM, October 20, 2020, Online.
Validation of satellite formaldehyde (HCHO) retrievals using aircraft observations and implication for TEMPO, presented by Lei Zhu at TEMPO Science Meeting, June 05, 2019, Madison, WI, USA.
Effect of sea-salt aerosol on tropospheric bromine chemistry, presented by Lei Zhu at The 9th International GEOS-Chem Meeting, May 07, 2019, Cambridge, MA, USA.
Effect of sea-salt aerosol on tropospheric bromine chemistry, presented by Lei Zhu at AGU Fall Meeting, December 13, 2018, Washington, D.C., USA.
Observing atmospheric formaldehyde from space: trend analysis and public health implications, presented by Lei Zhu at The 8th International GEOS-Chem Meeting, May 01, 2017, Cambridge, MA, USA.
Validation of satellite HCHO retrievals with aircraft (SEAC4RS) observations, presented by Lei Zhu at Atmospheric Radiation Workshop, March 08, 2016, Boulder, CO, USA.
Anthropogenic emissions of highly reactive volatile organic compounds inferred from oversampling of OMI HCHO columns, presented by Lei Zhu at AGU Fall Meeting, December 19, 2014, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Indirect validation of GOME-2/MetOp-A and B formaldehyde retrievals using SEAC4RS data: Preliminary results, presented by Lei Zhu at The 7th NASA Air Quality Applied Sciences Team Meeting, June 17, 2014, Cambridge, MA, USA.
Indirect Validation of GOME-2/MetOp-A and B and New OMI formaldehyde (HCHO) retrievals using SEAC4RS data: Preliminary results, presented by Lei Zhu at SEAC4RS Science Meeting, April 17, 2014, Boulder, CO, USA.
Variability of HCHO over the Southeastern United States observed from space: Implications for VOC emissions, presented by Lei Zhu at AGU Fall Meeting, December 04, 2012, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Spikes in electricity demand during severe summer heat waves: Increased SO2 emissions detected from space, presented by Lei Zhu at AGU Fall Meeting, December 15, 2010, San Francisco, CA, USA.